Better Data

The way we monitor the environment is changing. The days of manual data collection at a few sites are gone. Complex wiring and data logger programming are things of the past. Technology has changed everything. Smartphones, Wi-Fi, broadband and cloud computing let people gather information and communicate in real time from any place on earth. It’s never been easier to get information. And it’s easier to share.

Collecting and sharing environmental data is just as easy. Here at NexSens, we call this better data. Our goal is to help people collect and share better data. It’s why we do what we do and it’s why we created our next generation X3 data logger and WQData LIVE cloud-based data management system.

Cloud-based datacenter

Collect, store, and share environmental data with the industry’s most advanced datacenter – NexSens WQData LIVE. Generate and send reports with historical trends, statistics and data tables, set up a public portal, and monitor critical conditions with alert notification.

Cloud-based datacenterCloud-based datacenter
Open water monitoring platforms Open water monitoring platforms

Open water monitoring platforms

Set up offshore monitoring systems with NexSens data buoys. Sizes range from 75 lbs. to 1250 lbs. buoyancy. Options include solar charging, internal batteries, integral data loggers, sensors, mounting accessories, and more.

Data Loggers

Connect popular water quality, water level, velocity, current, wave, weather, solar radiation, and soil sensors to the NexSens X3 data logger. Transmit data to the cloud in real time using cellular, Iridium satellite, or Wi-Fi telemetry.

Data LoggersData Loggers


Select from a comprehensive list of environmental sensors from industry-leading manufacturers including YSI, Lufft, OTT, Seametrics, Vaisala, SonTek, Airmar, Turner Designs, TriOS, and more.


Application Support

Environmental professionals configure and deploy NexSens systems around the world. The company’s application scientists and engineers support the design, setup and operation.

Planning Planning
Component and system drawings are available online
Support Support
Online knowledge base, phone and email support are readily available
Integration Integration
Systems are pre-constructed, tested and documented prior to shipment
Training Training
Factory or on-site training ensure successful startup and operation
Field Services Field Services
Field Services
Installation support and setup ensure successful deployment
Repair Repair
Technicians inspect and recondition equipment for reliable performance