The address of an iSIC or SDL500 data logger can be changed using iChart software.
1. Open iChart with a current project if not already open
2. From the menu select Advanced | iSIC | iSIC
3. Select the correct PC COM port, Connection type and iSIC Address
- If the address is unknown and the connection is either Direct or Cellular, 0 can be used. 0 is a universal address to which all iSIC data loggers will respond. Do NOT use 0 if connecting via Radio with multiple radio devices powered in the vicinity.
4. Click Connect
5. Click the General tab
6. Confirm the iSIC Date & Time are current and the Main Battery (V) is correct.
6. Click the Change address box and enter the desired data logger address
7. Click Apply
8. Cycle power to the data logger for the change to take effect
After changing the address of a data logger, it may be necessary to update the configuration of the iChart project (.icr) file accordingly:
REV: 14A22