The following information is only for customers who have V6 circuit boards.

MS8 Connector Wiring

On the outside of the iSIC enclosure is an MS8 connector which is used for sensor wiring. This connector allows for quick connection for instruments such as YSI Sondes, which has a mating MS8 connector at the end of its cable. Additionally, this connector can be used to bring out sensor signals that are not otherwise available on the green terminal strips.

Contact NexSens for information on MS8 to flying lead cables.


7-3-2013 1-40-49 PM

Figure 1: MS8 Pin-Out


MS8 Pin out

Figure 2: MS8 Details


Note: SDI-12, +12V, and GND are also available on the green digital terminal strip and RS485 is available on the DB9 connector. P0 and VCC 5V are only available on the MS8 connector.

In iSIC version 4 data loggers (sold between October 2002 to November 2003), White was VCC5V and was located on Pin E. 485B was on pin H.

DB9 Connector Wiring

In the center of every iSIC data logger, between the analog and digital terminal strips, a DB9 connector for RS232 connection is available. This is the primary connection for iSIC data loggers and allows a PC to connect directly to the iSIC.

Every iSIC includes an A72 iSIC communication cable which allows for connecting an iSIC directly to the PC.


7-3-2013 1-51-12 PM

Figure 3: NexSens iSIC with DB9 at top center



REV: 13G03



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