Illustration of a buoy and land based NexSens system in a wetlands. Both systems are equipped with solar panels.

2.5 Power and Solar Charging

With remote monitoring also comes the need for an autonomous, efficient power supply to ensure the continuous operation of sensors, data loggers, and telemetry equipment. Systems installed at or near existing infrastructure can receive power from the electrical grid.  However, fixed power supplies are not available in many applications, so alternative means are required. In […]

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Illustration of an internal logger device (PME miniDOT) connected to a laptop and a telemetric logger (NexSens X3 data logger) connected remotely. The internal device is to the left of the laptop and the telemetric logger is on the right.

2.3 Data Loggers

Data logger is a broad term that may refer to any device that stores sensor measurement data. Many smart sensors integrate on-board data logging electronics. However, for the purposes of environmental data logging, systems typically include dedicated data logger units that can interface with multiple sensor types and, in many cases, transmit the data. Data […]

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Illustration of a groundwater sensing instrument in a corn field

2.2 Smart Sensors

Smart sensors are advanced measurement devices equipped with integrated processing capabilities and other features that enhance their functionality and reliability. While traditional sensors simply convert physical phenomena into electrical signals that can be recorded and processed, smart sensors can preprocess the data to provide instantaneous results. In addition, they frequently include advanced features such as […]

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2.1 Introduction to Data Collection

Environmental data collection is fundamental to scientific research, environmental management, and regulatory compliance. The systematic gathering of information about natural systems helps scientists, engineers, and policymakers make informed decisions to protect ecosystems, manage resources, and understand environmental changes.  Data collection can range from simple, manual measurements to complex, automated systems that continuously monitor various environmental […]

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