Pro-Oceanus Solu-Blu Dissolved CO2 Probe
The Pro-Oceanus Solu-Blu Dissolved CO2 probe can be used for long-term continuous in-situ monitoring to provide reliable free dissolved carbon dioxide data.
- Provides continuous 24/7 CO2 monitoring
- Fully temperature and pressure compensated
- User-input salinity values allow for automatic salinity correction
Connect in Real-Time
Connect NexSens-affiliated sensors to any X-Series Data Logger to enable real-time monitoring through the WQData LIVE app. NexSens X-Series Loggers transmit sensor data to the cloud, enabling real-time data on any mobile device.
Contact an Applications Scientist
Need help designing an Environmental IoT system? NexSens applications scientists will help you design the perfect monitoring system to meet field conditions and monitoring needs.
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