Add a Data Logger to a WQData LIVE Project

During first-time configuration, data loggers are added to WQData LIVE projects using a Claim Code supplied with each data logger.

To assign a data logger using a Claim Code:

  1. Log in to WQData LIVE and find the username in the top right-hand corner of the page. Mouse over the username to reveal a drop-down menu, and click PROJECTS.

Figure 1: Open the accounts project page.


  1. Choose an existing project or select Create New Project. Follow the link below for additional information on creating a new project.
    1. Creating a WQData LIVE Project
  2. After selecting or creating a project, click ADMIN | Settings, located at the top of the dashboard.

Figure 2: Access the administrator settings on the WQData LIVE project.


  1. Click on the gray bar that says Project/Site to open a drop-down menu. Choose Sites to open a second drop-down menu.
  2. The sites drop-down menu displays all of the current sites within the project. View the site settings by clicking on the name.
  3. Locate the Claim Code on the serial label attached to the data logger’s Quick Start Guide or System Integration Guide.

Figure 3: Data logger serial label.


  1. Add a new logger by entering the Claim Code in the field near the bottom of the sites menu. Then click Add Device.

Figure 4: Enter the claim code in the space provided to add the data logger.


  1. The device name will appear in the Assigned Devices box.
  2. Click SAVE when finished.
    1. All parameters and data for the logger will now be visible on the project and site dashboard.