YSI H-3401 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge X-Series Integration Guide

Real-Time Precipitation Measurements

The YSI H-3401 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges are compatible with NexSens X-Series data loggers using the SDI-12 sensor interface and communication protocol. A pre-defined script on NexSens X-Series data loggers is able to detect, log, and transmit all precipitation parameters on the rain gauge. Parameter data is transmitted, in real-time, at a user-specified interval (e.g., 10 minutes) to the NexSens WQData LIVE Web Datacenter. There, data is stored on customizable dashboards with statistics and graphical interfaces for each parameter. Users can download and send data reports via Email, FTP, or an API. Below is information on the settings and wiring required to integrate these sensors with a NexSens X-Series data logger.

YSI H-3401 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges product page.

Figure 1: YSI H-3401 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge integration with NexSens X-Series data loggers for real-time precipitation measurements.




Compatible Models

The rain gauge must have SDI-12 output to communicate with the X-Series data logger. YSI produces three rain gauges with SDI-12 output that differ in their tip measurement (i.e., 0.01″, 0.1mm, or 0.2mm per tip). The tip amount will not affect the integration of the gauge with the data logger.

  • H-3401-00-00: 0.01″ per tip
  • H-3401-01-00: 0.1mm per tip
  • H-3401-02-01: 0.2mm per tip
YSI H-3401 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges product page.

Figure 2: YSI H-3401 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges.




Sensor Integration

Using SDI-12 communication, the rain gauge will output a standard parameter list after receiving an SDI-12 command from the logger. The internal script sends this command before each reading. The rain gauge will need to be wired for power, ground, and SDI-12 communication for proper readings from the sensor.

1. Wiring

In nearly all applications, a custom connectorized NexSens UW8 plug to flying lead cable will be wired directly into the rain gauge. Below is the necessary wiring information.

NexSens flying lead cable wire color**Internal rain gauge cable wire colorSignal
Orange/Orange stripeRed+12VDC
Brown/Brown stripeYellowSDI-12 Data
Blue/Blue stripeBlackGround
N/CBrownBucket switch A*
N/COrangeBucket switch B*

*Do not remove or switch the bucket switch connections.
**Confirm the cable model with NexSens before wiring to the sensor. The cable outlined in the table is custom and not the standard NexSens UW8 to flying lead cable.


2. Configure Internal Settings

The YSI rain gauge must have a unique SDI-12 address in comparison to other connected SDI-12 sensors. Additionally, the real-time clock on the gauge must be set before deployment to track the time and reset “today’s” and “yesterday’s” accumulation values.

Setting a Unique SDI-12 Address

If the rain gauge is the only SDI-12 sensor connected to the data logger, the default SDI-12 address of 0 shall remain. If another SDI-12 sensor is connected, use the CONNECT software to confirm communication and change the rain gauge (or another sensor) to a unique SDI-12 address.


Setting the Current Time

The built-in real-time clock battery is able to track the current time even when sensor power is removed. However, drifts in the overall time may occur after an extended period. Before deployment, it is recommended to read the current clock time and adjust it if it differs from the actual time. Below are the commands for reading the current time and updating the time on the sensor.

CommandExample ResponseDescription
aXGT!a0013<cr><lf>Read the current time of day
Subsequent CommandExample Response
a = Sensor address
XGT = Upper case SDI-12 command characters
D0 = Data request command
HH = Hours (24-hour format)
MM = Minutes
SS = Seconds


CommandExample ResponseDescription
aXSTHHMMSS!a0013<cr><lf>Set the current time of day
Subsequent CommandExample Response
a = Sensor address
XST = Upper case SDI-12 command characters
D0 = Data request command
HH = Hours (24-hour format)
MM = Minutes
SS = Seconds


Figure 3: Current time set to 11:34:50.

Figure 4: Displaying the new current time.



Setting the Daily Reset Time

A “reset time” can be programmed onto the sensor to automatically update its “yesterday’s total accumulation” and “today’s total accumulation” values. Once the reset time is reached at each day, the “today’s total accumulation” resets to zero and “yesterday’s total accumulation” is logged internally.

CommandExample ResponseDescription
aXGDRT!a0013<cr><lf>Read the daily reset time
Subsequent CommandExample Response
a = Sensor address
XGDRT = Upper case SDI-12 command characters
D0 = Data request command
HH = Hours (24-hour format)
MM = Minutes
SS = Seconds


CommandExample ResponseDescription
aXSDRTHHMMSS!a0013<cr><lf>Set the daily reset time
Subsequent CommandExample Response
a = Sensor address
XSDRT = Upper case SDI-12 command characters
D0 = Data request command
HH = Hours (24-hour format)
MM = Minutes
SS = Seconds


Figure 5: Current daily reset time set to 6:00:00.

Figure 6: Displaying the new daily reset time.



3. Automatic Sensor Detection

After setting a unique SDI-12 address, a script can be generated to read the available parameters from the sensor.

X-Series Logger Detection and Script Information

During NexSens integration, a 4000-level script will be added to the X-Series data logger before shipment. If the sensor is purchased separately, contact NexSens to procure the script or create the script using the Generic SDI-12 Script Utility with the following parameters.

CONNECT Parameter NameDefault UnitsYSI H-3401 Parameter Description
Interval Rainmm or in
(Dependent on gauge model)
Rainfall accumulation since the last measurement.
Parm 01countsNumber of raw bucket tips since the last measurement.
Total Rainmm or in
(Dependent on gauge model)
Total rainfall accumulation since the last reset.
Parm 02mm or in
(Dependent on gauge model)
Total rainfall accumulation today.
Parm 03mm or in
(Dependent on gauge model)
Total rainfall accumulation yesterday.


Run the Sensor Detection

Once the script is created, transfer and enable it on the data logger.

Configure Sensor Scripts

After the script is enabled, run a sensor detection to program the sensor onto the logger.

Run a Sensor Detection


Read Sensor Configuration – Confirm Sensor Detection

After ~5-10 minutes, read the sensor configuration to confirm the YSI rain gauge and other sensors have been detected on the data logger. Thoroughly review the parameter list to ensure all parameters are accounted for and are measured in the desired units. Let the unit gather a few readings to confirm accurate and reasonable parameter data.

Read Sensor Configuration


4. Setting up WQData LIVE

Once an X-Series data logger has finished a new sensor detection, it will automatically push the sensor configuration to the WQData LIVE Web Datacenter. Follow the three articles below to create a WQData LIVE account and a project/site. Then add the data logger to the project using the included claim code.



Real-Time System Application

Real-time precipitation measurements from YSI H-3401 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges are useful in various environmental monitoring applications.

Applicable Systems

Discover applicable uses for YSI H-3401 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges.


Case Studies

Read about specific applications using YSI H-3401 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges.


Precipitation Measurements

Learn more about the importance of precipitation measurements on the NexSens Blog Page.


Sensor Manual

For additional information on YSI H-3401 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges, please refer to the YSI H-3401 User Manual.