Geolux Non-Contact Level Sensor X-Series Integration Guide

Real-Time Water Level Measurements

The Geolux Non-Contact Level Sensor is an advanced contactless radar level meter designed for precise distance measurement from the instrument to the water surface for water level and flood monitoring applications. The sensors are compatible with the NexSens X-Series data loggers using the SDI-12 sensor interface and communication protocol. Parameter data is transmitted, in real-time, at a user-specified interval (e.g., 10 minutes) to the NexSens WQData LIVE Web Datacenter. There, data is stored on customizable dashboards with statistics and graphical interfaces for each parameter. Users can download and send data reports via Email, FTP, or an API. Below is information on the settings and wiring required to integrate Geolux Non-Contact Level Sensors with NexSens X-Series data loggers.

Figure 1: Geolux Non-Contact Level Sensor integration with NexSens X-Series data loggers.




Compatible Model

The sensor transmits an electromagnetic wave in the 80 GHz frequency range (W band), and measures the frequency shift of the electromagnetic wave reflected from the water surface. Water level is calculated based on the measured distance to the water’s surface and a user-entered offset of the sensor’s height above the bottom of the channel.

Figure 2: Geolux Non-Contact Level Sensor




Geolux Integration

1. Wiring

In nearly all applications involving NexSens integration, a connectorized UW8 plug will be added to the sensor cable. However, other applications may require a UW8 to flying lead cable utilized for wiring the sensor and cable into an external junction box. The following table provides information for both applications.

NexSens UW8 Plug PinNexSens UW8-FLx Wire Color*SignalGeolux Cable Wire Color
1OrangeRS-232 TxYellow**
3YellowRS-232 RxGreen**
5Red12V PowerBrown
7BlueRS-485 BOrange**
8GreenRS-485 ADark Red**

*NexSens UW Plug to Flying Lead Cable
**For communication in Geolux software

Figure 3: NexSens UW8 Plug pin numbers.


2. Adjust Sensor Settings

The Geolux sensor can communicate with an X-Series data logger via SDI-12 with the default settings. However, to improve measurement accuracy and response, follow the settings changes below.

  1. Direct communication with a Geolux sensor requires either a UW-USB-485R-DC or UW-USB-232R-DC cable and the Geolux Instrument Configurator software. For adjustments directly in the field, the barrel plug adapter cable with the X-Series data loggers’ communication cable (UW6-USB-485P-DC) can be utilized to provide power to the Geolux using the solar power pack.
  2. Open the software and select the propert COM port and interface (i.e., RS-232 or RS-485).

Figure 4: Geolux configurator software interface.


  1. Select the LX-80 Radar level sensor.
    1. After a successful connection, the software will display “Successfully connected to radar level sensor”.

Figure 5: Geolux device selection.


  1. For proper communication via SDI-12, go to Settings | Measurement and change the Power Management setting to Sleep Mode.
    1. The device will remain in Sleep Mode until an SDI-12 command is sent by the data logger.

Figure 6: Geolux measurement settings.


  1. The sensor location in relation to the bottom of the channel (“sensor height”) is necessary to set for proper level readings.

Figure 7: Illustration of sensor height setting set within the Geolux instrument.


3. Automatic Sensor Detection

The user must create a Generic SDI-12 script through the NexSens CONNECT software to communicate and gather measurements from the sensor. The user must reference the SDI-12 address and parameters output by the sensor for proper configuration. Follow the link below to review the process for creating a Generic SDI-12 script through the CONNECT Software:

SDI-12 Script Generation

The Generic manufacturer and SDI-12 model must be selected in the SDI-12 script utility. The measurement command should always be ‘C’, which allows for measurements to be obtained concurrently with other SDI-12 sensors connected to the logger. Switch power provides a balance between power consumption and data accuracy. SDI-12 sensors require a specific warmup time depending on the number of parameters to be measured. Refer to the Geolux manual to set the appropriate warmup time.

ManufacturerModelSDI-12 AddressPortWarmupMeasurement CommandPower
GenericSDI-120-9 (Default = 0)P0, P1, or P230 seconds (Recommended)CSwitch


Parameter List from C Command

The default parameter list for the Geolux sensor is below. Match the parameter output below in the script.

CONNECT Parameter NameUnitsGeolux
Parameter Name
LevelmmMeasured relative level depending on sensor height
DepthmmMeasure distance from sensor to water
Temperature°CMeasured temperature inside device
_None°CMeasured water temperature
Tilt XDegMeasured tilt angle of device in x direction
Tilt YDegMeasured tilt angle of device in y direction
SNRdBSNR of latest measurement
GenericStandard Deviation of Water Level


Figure 8: Generic SDI-12 script for Geolux level sensor.


Run the Sensor Detection

Once the script is created, transfer and enable it on the data logger.

Configure Sensor Scripts

After the script is enabled, run a sensor detection to program the sensor onto the logger.

Run a Sensor Detection


Read Sensor Configuration – Confirm Sensor Detection

After ~5-10 minutes, read the sensor configuration to confirm the sensors have been detected on the data logger. Thoroughly review the parameter list to ensure all parameters are accounted for and are measured in the desired units. Let the unit gather a few readings to confirm accurate and reasonable parameter data.

Read Sensor Configuration


4. Setting up WQData LIVE

Once an X-Series data logger has finished a new sensor detection, it will automatically push the sensor configuration to the WQData LIVE web data center. Follow the three articles below to create a WQData LIVE account and a project/site. Then add the data logger to the project using the included claim code.



Real-Time System Application

Real-time level measurements from the Geolux Non-Contact Level Sensor are useful in various environmental monitoring applications.

Applicable Systems

Discover applicable uses for the Geolux Non-Contact Level Sensor.


Sensor Manual

For additional information on the Geolux Non-Contact Level Sensor, please refer to the Geolux Non-Contact Level Sensor Manual.