YSI DCP Adapter Wiring for Connection to X2 Data Logger

This article serves as a guide for wiring in a YSI EXO 1 or 2 sonde into a YSI DCP Adapter for connection to an X2 data logger. This configuration typically occurs within a NexSens A50 Junction Box to protect the DCP adapter and flying lead cables from environmental disturbances.


YSI DCP Adapter Wiring


NexSens UW8-FLx Cable* DCP Adapter Connection YSI EXO flying lead field cable** NexSens MCIL-6-FS flying lead  cable**
UW Plug Pin Wire Color Left Terminal Right Terminal Wire color Male/Female Impulse Pin Wire Color Female Impulse Pin
6 Brown SDI-12
2 Black GND BLK Black 2 Black 2
5 Red 9-16VDC IN RED Red 3 Red 3
BARE Bare 4 Brown 4
YEL Yellow 5 Yellow 5
WHT White 6 White 6

*Connection to left terminal only on DCP adapter.
**Connection to right terminal only on DCP adapter.


Pin numbering for
NexSens UW8 Plug.


Pin numbering for NexSens MCIL-6-FS cable. Pin outline matches both NexSens and YSI field cables.

Pin numbering for MCIL-6 Male Connector from EXO field cable. Pin outline matches both NexSens and YSI field cables.