Heating Options for Vaisala WXT520

    Some versions of the WXT520 weather station have heating options. It is possible for users to activate them within iChart software. 1. Open iChart with a current project. 2. Go to Advanced | iSIC | iSIC. 3. Select the correct PC COM port, Connection and iSIC Address. Press Connect.    4. Click the General tab to confirm the connection, […]

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    Setting Up Email Service in iChart

    It is possible to send automatically generated email reports, alarms and alerts through iChart software. 1. Open iChart to begin. Go to Edit | Preferences. 2. The System Setup window should appear. Click Email/FTP.   3. Select the SMTP option.   4. Enter the sender’s information as it would appear in an email. In Figure 2, the name would appear […]

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    Changing Lufft Weather Sensor Settings in iChart

    Changing Lufft local altitude setting via SDI-12 The Lufft line of weather sensors can be configured using SDI-12 protocol through iChart software. 1. Open iChart with the current project. 2. Right click on the Lufft sensor in the Navigation Panel. 3. Select Property. The Smart Sensor Properties window should appear.   4. Record the number in […]

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    Copying Logger Settings Between Sites

    It is possible to copy logger settings – including alarms, alerts, data flags, interrogation schedules and RTC schedules – between sites using iChart software. 1. Open iChart with the current project. 2. In the Navigation Panel, highlight the site from which settings are to be copied by clicking once.   3. Click Project | Copy Logger […]

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    Changing Desktop Resolution Settings

    If a menu appears “cut off,” it may be necessary to adjust the desktop resolution settings. Note: These steps apply to computers running Windows software and the screen captures below are from a PC running Windows Vista. 1. Right-click anywhere on the desktop. 2. Click Personalize. The Personalization menu within the Control Panel should appear.   3. Click Display […]

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    Adjust Timing for IRDA LinkIt Device to Interrogate OTT Thalimedes

    When uploading data from an OTT Thalimedes through an IRDA LinkIt device connected to iChart with a third party USB to serial adapter, a timeout issue can sometimes prevent iChart from receiving the data. To correct this, the timing of the IRDA LinkIt device can be manually changed. 1. Open iChart with the current project. […]

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    Resolving Radio Communication

    This guide is designed to help you fix common problems associated with failed over-the-air communication between a radio iSIC or SDL data logger and a computer. Radio communication problems can arise for a number of different reasons, including low or no power, weak or out of range radio signal, and improper physical connections. To troubleshoot […]

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    Changing the Soil Option on a Stevens Water Hydra Probe II

    The Stevens Water Hydra Probe II defaults to the loam soil option. It’s possible to change that option to sand, silt or clay. 1. Connect the probe to the data logger. 2. Open iChart. 3. Click Advanced | iSIC | iSIC. The iSIC Setup window should appear.   4. Enter the correct COM port and connection type. If the iSIC/SDL […]

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    Reset Rain and Hail Accumulation on a Vaisala WXT510/WXT520

    It is possible to reset the precipitation counter on a Vaisala WXT510/WXT520 using iChart software. 1. With the sensor connected to an iSIC data logger, open iChart. 2. Click Advanced | iSIC | iSIC. 3. Select the correct PC COM Port and Connection type in the iSIC Setup window. Note: “0” may be entered as the iSIC/SDL Address if it is unknown. For 4100-iSIC Data Loggers, […]

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    Set Vaisala WXT520 Automatic Rain Reset Limit

    To set an automatic reset limit for rain readings from a Vaisala WXT520: 1. Make sure the sensor is wired correctly into the iSIC data logger. 2. Open the current iChart project. 3. Click Advanced | iSIC | iSIC. The iSIC Setup window will appear. 4. In the “Connection” tab, make sure the COM port and Connection type is correct. […]

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