Changing the Address of an iSIC or SDL500 Data Logger

    The address of an iSIC or SDL500 data logger can be changed using iChart software. 1. Open iChart with a current project if not already open 2. From the menu select Advanced | iSIC | iSIC 3. Select the correct PC COM port, Connection type and iSIC Address If the address is unknown and the connection […]

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    Changing Lufft Weather Sensor Settings in iChart

    Changing Lufft local altitude setting via SDI-12 The Lufft line of weather sensors can be configured using SDI-12 protocol through iChart software. 1. Open iChart with the current project. 2. Right click on the Lufft sensor in the Navigation Panel. 3. Select Property. The Smart Sensor Properties window should appear.   4. Record the number in […]

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    Copying Logger Settings Between Sites

    It is possible to copy logger settings – including alarms, alerts, data flags, interrogation schedules and RTC schedules – between sites using iChart software. 1. Open iChart with the current project. 2. In the Navigation Panel, highlight the site from which settings are to be copied by clicking once.   3. Click Project | Copy Logger […]

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    Setting GPS Bounding Alarms in iChart

    In certain monitoring applications, it’s necessary to ensure that equipment stays within defined areas. This is made possible by GPS equipment and bounding alarms that can be set in iChart. 1. Record the upper and lower GPS coordinates of the desired bounding rectangle. GPS1 and GPS2 form two corners of the bounding rectangle in Figure […]

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    Adjusting Barometric Pressure for Local Elevation

    Most barometric pressure sensors measure the absolute pressure of a location and do not account for the elevation above sea level. Since barometric pressure is conventionally reported (in weather reports, etc.) as an adjusted value referenced to sea level elevation, this may cause readings to appear artificially low, particularly at high elevations. To reference sensor […]

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    Removing the Timestamp in iChart

    To reduce the size of each output in order to save time and memory, the timestamp can be removed. 1. Open iChart with a current project. 2. From the main menu select Edit | Preferences. 3. Switch to the Advanced tab.   4. Uncheck the “Send timestamp with each upload cmd” box. Click OK to finish. REV: 13G18

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    Temporarily Disabling Devices in iChart

    NexSens iChart software is used to control iSIC data loggers and all connected devices. The software also includes many features, such as device disabling. This feature can be used to save power or to disconnect power while waiting for service. 1. Open iChart with a current project. 2. In the navigation panel on the left, […]

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    Adjusting the Offset of a Sensor

    The sensor offset is used to adjust the range of a sensor if the current range is not acceptable. A sensor offset can also be used to counteract irregularities in non-standard manufacturing. For example, if a wind sensor is designed so north is 0 degrees but collected data always shows north as 5 degrees, then […]

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    Allowing Access to the iChart6 Folder

    It is recommended that the Administrator allows full access to the iChart6 folder. This allows the user to open and/or modifying a file located within the folder. The steps below will provide instructions on how to gain access to the iChart6 folder. 1. Open My Computer (Windows XP) or Computer (Windows Vista and 7) from the Start Menu. 2. […]

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    Re-detecting a T-Node String

    If a T-Node string is altered, the sensors must be re-detected before the iSIC is reprogrammed. This is because when the iSIC is being programmed, it checks that the attached T-Node string matches what was detected earlier. Note: These steps will require the data logger to be reprogrammed, which will erase all data currently on […]

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