The current measured mV value can be read at any time from the mV-RS485 Adapter using iChart’s interface. 1. Ensure the mV-RS485 Adapter is connected to the SDL and the SDL is powered. 2. Open iChart. Select Open Without Project if prompted. 3. Select Advanced | mV-RS485 Adapter | Setup… from the menu bar. 4. Select the correct PC COM Port and Connection type from the drop down lists. 5. Click Connect. […]
Connect and Configure Generic mV Adapter
To connect an analog sensor to the iSIC that does not exist in the iChart’s sensor library, please follow the steps beleow: 1) In iChart, go to the Sensor step and select Generic from the drop down menu. Select Generic mV in the menu below. Click Add. 2) On the “Analog Sensor Property”, enter the full scale. Please note […]
Resolving SDI-12 Sensor Communication
This guide is designed to help resolve common problems associated with failed communication between an SDI-12 sensor and iChart software. Problems can arise as a result of improper physical connections, incorrect sensor addresses, physical damage to cables or connectors, and bad SDI-12 circuits on either the sensor or NexSens data logger. To troubleshoot this problem, […]
Adding Battery Voltage to an Existing Project
To add battery voltage, 1) Upload all your data before adding battery voltage. This procedure will erase all data in your data logger. 2) Select “Project | Setup Device Wizard” Menu 3) Click the “Next” button 3 times to get to the “Sensor” screen. 4) Click the iSIC that you want to log battery voltage. 5) […]
Manually Enable/Disable Switch Power
When setting up and troubleshooting a system, it may be necessary to manually enable or disable the logger’s switch power. 1. In iChart, open the diagnostic window by clicking on View | Diagnostic Window. 2. Connect to the data logger. See the appropriate iSIC Data Logger or SDL500 category for instruction on connecting directly to the […]
Cellular Communication Timeout
If there is something slowing down communication between the cellular data logger and iChart (poor signal, slow network, large amounts of data transfer) the timeout can be adjusted accordingly. 1. Open iChart without a project. 2. Press Ctrl+Alt+T. 3. In the dialog that appears select NexSens DN Sensors for the Device. 4. Select 3100-iSIC (Cellular modem) for […]
Setting up an SMS (Text Message) as an Email Alarm
iChart has the ability to be configured to send an alert or alarm as a text message to a cell phone. For this service to work, email service must first be configured in iChart. For more information on email configuration, see Setting Up Email Service in iChart. 1. Open iChart with a current project. 2. […]
Using iChart’s .ini File to Set Up SMS alerts
Using iChart software, it is possible to send SMS messages using a paid service that provides the GET method API. One such service is provided through, which is used as an example below. 1. If iChart is open, close it by clicking File | Exit. 2. Click Start Menu | Computer | OS | Program Files | NexSens | iChart 6. 3. Locate the ICHART.INI file. Click to open it […]
Correctly Scaling a LI-COR Sensor in iChart
It is important to enter the correct scaling information when adding a LI-COR sensor to a site in iChart. 1. Open iChart. 2. Click File | New Project. 3. Give the file a name. Click Save. The Setup Device Wizard will appear. 4. In the Setup Device Wizard, add a site in Step 1 and the data logger being […]
Reporting Only the Most Recent Data
In some applications only the most recent data is desired in a report. However, iChart software defaults to include all data when creating a new report. iChart settings can be changed so that only the most recent data is displayed. 1. Open iChart. 2. From the menu bar select Report | New Report or Report | Open Report to edit a […]