The NexSens 5100-iSIC supports landline Ethernet communication between a remote monitoring site and a computer base station with an internet connection. It is the most desirable system for a monitoring site where an Ethernet connection is available at the remote site. Shown below is an example site: The above system consists of the following […]
Updating iSIC, CB-iSIC, or SDL500 Firmware
NexSens iSIC firmware dictates how all functions and procedures are run in iSIC, CB-iSIC, and SDL500 data loggers. New firmware versions are released on a regular basis, so it is important to routinely check for updates. iChart software must be periodically updated in order for the most recent firmware version to be located. Click here […]
iSIC Addressing
Connect one end of the RS232 Interface Cable (supplied) to the PC’s serial port. Plug the other end of the cable into the DB9 connector located inside the iSIC. Apply power to the iSIC. If AC power will be used to power the system, connect the red and black battery leads inside the iSIC or […]
Temperature & Oxygen Sensor Expansion
The temperature and dissolved expansion connector allows for the addition of multiple temperature and dissolved oxygen sensors to a system. See the diagrams below for exact signal pins. Dissolved Oxygen Sensors The dissolved oxygen expansion connector allows for four dissolved oxygen sensors to be added to a system. Connect the positive signal wire to the […]
iSIC Environmental Data Logger Digital Expansion
The digital expansion connector allows for the addition of multiple RS232, and generic digital I/O sensors, as well as a main communication port. See the diagrams below for exact signal pins: RS232 The digital expansion connector allows for two additional RS232 sensors. These ports operate the same as those located on the digital terminal strip. […]
iSIC Environmental Data Logger Analog Expansion
The analog expansion connector allows for the addition of multiple analog input sensors, such as single and differential 4-20 mA sensors, as well as single and differential analog inputs, analog outputs, and temperature sensors. See the diagrams below for exact signal pins. Analog Inputs Pins AD8-A15 can all be used to interface with single and […]
Federal Communications Commission Notice
The Federal Communications Commission defines iSIC data loggers as computing devices and requires the following notice. This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A […]
Advanced Diagnostic Tools
iChart includes advanced tools to view, diagnose and check sensor and data logger functionality. To access these tools, select Advanced | iSIC | iSIC from the iChart menu system. The iSIC Setup dialog box will open: On the first screen, select the COM port, connection method and address of the desired data logger. […]
iSIC Maintenance
Internal Battery Reorder Part Number: A01 Recommended Maintenance Frequency: 36 Months (min.) or As Needed The NexSens iSIC data logger comes standard with a 12V, 8.5 A-hr rechargeable sealed lead acid (SLA) battery. This battery will need to be replaced every 24-36 months. Any battery older than 36 months should be replaced immediately. This ensures […]
High gain antennas are used for all deployments with iSIC data loggers using telemetry. The antennas are mounted on the iSIC box. If the antenna is to be mounted on a pole, the mounting pole should have a diameter up to 2-1/2 inches and have a height as high as practical for the application; also […]