Proteus EIDO Multi-Parameter Water Quality Sensors

The EIDO is a low cost, real-time sensing platform, specifically designed for the measurement of organic water quality parameters including BOD, COD, TOC and Coliforms (total, E. coli or fecal).


  • Available in two sizes depending on the number of integrated sensors needed
  • Built-in wiper cleans optical sensors prior to each measurement
  • SDI-12 and RS-485 Modbus output for integration with data loggers & PLC's

Connect in Real-Time

Connect NexSens-affiliated sensors to any X-Series Data Logger to enable real-time monitoring through the WQData LIVE app. NexSens X-Series Loggers transmit sensor data to the cloud, enabling real-time data on any mobile device.

Contact an Applications Scientist

Need help designing an Environmental IoT system? NexSens applications scientists will help you design the perfect monitoring system to meet field conditions and monitoring needs.